Having fun with hamradio using low power and simple antennas!
ARISS schoolcontacts between January and June 2017
June 2017
ARISS Yeasu FT-736R (25W) + 5 el LPDA
10/06/17: I heard the contact from Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin RN3FI with Boy Scouts from Buffalo, New York at 16.20 UTC
13/06/17: I heard the contact from astronaut Jack Fisher K2FSH with Space Center Houston, Houston, TX, USA at 15.19 UTC.
I also followed the ARISS HamVideo transmission via Live DATV from the ISS at:
April 2017
14/04/17 I heard the schoolcontact with astronaut Thomas Pesquet KG5FYG with College Roger Martin Du Gard, Bellême in France at 15.22UTC on 145.800Mhz in French.
27/04/17 I heard the schoolcontact with astronaut Thomas Pesquet KG5FYG with Lycée Hélène Boucher, Thionville, France at approximately 08:52 UTC on 145.800Mhz in French.
29/04/17 I heard the schoolcontact with cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin RN3FI with a school in Katerini, Greece at 13.02UTC on 145.800Mhz in the Greek language.
March 2017
10/03/17: I heard the ARISS-contact with astronaut Shane Kimbrough KE5HOD with 3rd Junior High School, Komotini, Greece on 145.800 Mhz.
February 2017
Ariss SSTV with ICOM ID-51E + V2000 vertical tribander
14/02/17: I managed to receive and decode the SSTV transmissions, as part of the MAI-75 Experiment, from the ISS as anounced on the AMSAT-UK site:
On the 13/02 there was nothing received but on the 14/02 i received several pictures during different passes.
As I have no direct cable from my ID-51E to my Android tablet, I used the internal microphone from the Android tablet holding to the speaker of the ID-51E in the past, but this doesn't giving satisfying results. For the pases of 14/02 I used a different procedure, using the 'record' facility on the ID-51E, which was more successful and produced better pictures (see annex):
1) Tune to 145.800Mhz FM (Wide)
2) Activate the 'record' facility of your transceiver (read the manual of your TRX! Study and practice this beforehand...)
3) Keep the squelch ON: The ID-51E starts the recording only if there is a signal present! And the signal of ISS is very strong
4) At the end of the transmission stop 'record' (see the manual of your TRX! Study and practice this beforehand...)
5) Put your transceiver OFF, because we will pulling the SDcard out of the transceiver in a safe way, maybe you will need a MicroSD adapter
6) Put the SDcard in your PC, we will now search for the audiofiles (in WAV-format on the ID-51E) on the SDcard and copy them to a map on the harddrive of your PC
7) Remove the SD card safely from your PC and put it back in your TRX
8) E-mail the audiofiles to an e-mailadress you can access on your Android tablet (in most cases a Gmail account)
9) Start your SSTV app on your tablet, in my case the 'Robot36' app (that you can download for free from Google play, again practice and play with this app)
10) Start/play the audio file on your tablet, Robot36 will autodetect the right mode...
11) If the audio file is finished you will find the SSTV pic in the Robot36 app, and you can now SAVE the SSTV pic
This can probably be done with other transceivers with a 'record' facility...

On 14/02 during the pass of 14.00 UTC I also heard, on my FT-736R + 5el LPDA antenna, a schoolcontact in French on 437.525 FM +/-10Khz, because the usual 145.800Mhz was in use for the SSTV contact, with astronaut Thomas Pesquet FX0ISS with Collège André Malraux, Chatelaillon-Plage in France.