Having fun with hamradio using low power and simple antennas!
Satellite contacts in 2016
December 2016
SO-50 Yeasu FT-736R (25W) + 5 el LPDA
02/12/16: 9a3st (jn75)
04/12/16: f4cqa (jn17)
16/12/16: dl70nrw (jo31)
19/12/16: mi6gty (io64 eu-115)
AO-85 Yeasu FT-736R (25W) + 5 el LPDA
08/12/16: db1nt (jo50)
I did some experiments to use SSB sats strugling with the doppler-shift... but managed to work:
AO-73 Yeasu FT-736R (25W) + 5 el LPDA
23/12/16: dj8ms (jo53)
XW-2F Yeasu FT-736R (25W) + 5 el LPDA
27/12/16: om6dc (jn98)
November 2016
During November I was active with the special call OP8NT.
08/11/16: ct1fjc (im57), g0abi (io80)
27/11/16: ux0da (kn18)
08/11/16: ct1fjc(im57)
11/11/16: f6glj (in94)
23/11/16: ea7afm (im66), ha1se (jn87)
26/11/16: ea1jm (in70), ea5tt (im99), f4dxv/p (jn05)
29/11/16: ea4sg (in80)
30/11/16: ha1se (jn87), dg1jc (jo31)
October 2016
17/10/16: 2e0sql (io91), dl70nrw (jo31) qsl via dk7tx, pe1nil (jo21),
25/10/16: g0abi (io80)
28/10/16: lx6/do2syd/p (jn29), ea4ayw (in70)
09/10/16: pe1dh (jo31), f4ejw (in78)
11/10/16: db2tk (jo50)
23/10/16: ea7aha (im76), 2e0sql (io91)
30/10/16: g0tkz (jo02), pa3rvg (jo21)
September 2016
13/09/16: sp8cgr (ko10)
15/09/16: ea1byc (in72), ct1fjc (im57)
20/09/16: f4ejw (in78), ea1byc (in72)
27/09/16: dl4zab (jo41)
On the 11 September 2016 in the afternoon the famous yearly (since 1975) balloon hunt was held again. The balloon had a beacon, crossband repeater and ATV on board. 46 teams with 140 participants were chasing for the balloon and the team of Berry (PB4PT) was the winner this year. The balloon was widely heard in Germany, Denmark and in Belgium. I listen with a portable and the rubber ducky antenne on my balcony!
See: https://www.ballonvossenjacht.nl/
Sitting outside in the shadow on my second balcony, reading PW (in the sun it was +/- 30C), on 15 September at 13.20 UTC, I was tunning on my portable and heard a female computerized voice on 145.200Mhz???
It seems to be the DL0PTB clubstation on board of a stratosphere balloon from "PTB - The National Metrology Institute of Germany"!
In English: http://www.ptb.de/cms/en.html
The balloon could reach up to 30km!
The German website of this experiment at:
made clear that there was a cross band repeater on board at 145.400 Mhz (up at 433.920 Mhz). and also APRS & SSTV, which I didn't heard.
I give it a try and called "CQ von ON8NT/P in JO11" in German... I got as answer "ON nein dass kann nicht sein" (ON no that is not possible)... and they just continue making QSO's in German between German stations...
A balloon was launched again on 16 September between 08.00 and 10.00 UTC. It became audable at my qth in JO11 at 10.43 UTC. The crossband repeater was chaos with a lot of (deliberate) QRM and 1 operator monopolizing the repeater... So I was not able to work through this system, but could hear dk2ro (jo59), dj1lbf (jo54), sp3mcy (jo71), dl2mf (jo52), dg3eaj (jo31) and many others. I lost the signal at about 11.50 UTC at my QTH.
I was using my Kenwood TH7F portable with a vertical dipole for 2m & 70cm.
August 2016
02/08/16 pb0ahx (jo22ea)
03/08/16 f4dxv (jn04iu) 9a3st (jn75bb)
04/08/16 pa3hdg (??)
16/08/16 db0tk (jo52hh) 2e0sql (io91js)
July 2016
10/07/16: G4DOL (IO80),
28/07/16: G3YWA (IO91TT), F8BUI (JN18DE)